In this final post about Nicaragua, we explore the cities of Matagalpa and Jinotega. Both are in the Highlands of the country. Matagalpa is the second most important city in Nicaragua thanks to the dynamic coffee business in the surrounding regions. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by some pretty green high hills, and the town is bustling with activity. It is very enjoyable and there are a lot of things to do that are off the beaten path. For instance, going to the protected park of the Penas Blancas, or to the Castle of Chocolate. The nickname of the town is the Land of Eternal Spring as it is quite cool all year round compared to the rest of the country.

Jinotega is about one hour North, at a higher altitude. It seems that time has stopped here. The only “westerners” you meet work for the coffee industry. You can hike up the mountain next to the city and get really nice “fly over” views.
This ends our little adventure in Nicaragua! Thanks for reading.